What Good Would I Be?: Morning Daily Devotional

Grace to you & peace from God our Father & the Lord Jesus Christ.

“What Good Would I Be?” is July 12th’s entry from Dr. David Jeremiah’s ‘Turning Points with God: 365 Daily Devotions’.

"As God has distributed to each one... so let him walk." 1 Corinthians 7:17

Until the mid-1990s, Argentina required every young man to spend two years in military service. One fellow who showed up at the induction center objected, “What good would I be? I have no arms!” Allegedly they put him in the army anyway. At basic-training camp, so the story goes, his commanding officer said, “See that fellow up there on the hill pumping water? Go tell him when the pail is full. He’s blind.”

Sometimes we can get caught up in wondering, What good would I be? and believing we have nothing to offer in service to God. As it turns out, we are all functioning parts of the whole body of Christ, and though we may not see the value of the gifts and abilities God has given us, He has a plan to use them in union with the talents of other believers to achieve a particular goal. In fact, He handpicked His workers and personally assigned their different abilities, knowing that’s where they would thrive and serve Him best.

Dear Christian, do not wish for another believer’s talents, for yours were given to you by your Creator, the One who knew your name even as He created the universe. Take joy in knowing that He has given you exactly what you’re supposed to have.

To end, a quote from Zig Ziglar, “You are the only person on earth who can use your ability.”

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.

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