Flock Instinct: Morning Daily Devotional

“Flock Instinct” is August 1’s morning entry from Dr. David Jeremiah’s ‘Turning Points with God: 365 Daily Devotions’.

"You are My flock, the flock of My pasture; you are men, and I am your God." Ezekiel 34:31

Recently the Associated Press carried the story of a Maine couple whose dogs attacked a flock of sheep at a nearby farm, killing 9 sheep and injuring 10 others. The sheep in this area are famous for their prizewinning wool, but the dogs didn’t care. They went for the throats and slaughtered the sheep indiscriminately. For days after the attack, the surviving sheep huddled in a group. Their flock instinct heightened; instead of scattering across the pasture as they normally did, they circled close to one another.

According to the Bible, God’s people are sheep having a strong flock instinct. We need fellowship, and we often find safety and accountability in close relationships with other Christians. In dangerous days, we especially need to stay close to one another.

Are you in a small group in your church? Do you have a few close Christian friends who support you by their prayers and counsel? It’s wonderful to pray regularly for a handful of people whom God places in our lives and to enjoy hearty, healthy fellowship.

Thank God for our Good Shepherd, and thank Him for placing us in flocks!

To end, a quote from unknown, “Christians may not see eye to eye, but they can walk arm in arm.”

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