Are You Excited For The Upcoming Seven Days of Celebration…

....A Godly Wedding Tradition?

Good news, The Church will be participating in the Seven Days of Celebration–a Godly wedding tradition–with the bridegroom, soon.

  • The Church = the Body of Christ; Christians; bride
  • Seven Days = 7 Years in symbolic time
  • Godly = observed by Jews / Hebrews / Israelites and probably should be by Christians.
  • bridegroom – Jesus Christ / Yeshua / Messiah
  • soon = very soon; during Jacob’s Trouble / The Great [7-year] Tribulation

Like with any historical document, we should strive to understand the timeframe it is written in, the context, the audience, etc. Often times, in the Bible (see below), Jesus is referred to as the bridegroom (groom), Christians as the bride, and refers to our future wedding ceremony and celebration. While there are a lot of customs and traditions that are not specifically written in the Bible, there are supporting verses for the wedding celebration lasting seven days and other customs.

Before betrothal (engagement) was arrangement. The family of the bridegroom and bride was involved with consent and negotiation of the Bride Price, to demonstrate the bridegroom’s commitment. God, the bridegroom’s Father, stated the price was His only begotten Son’s perfect life for atonement.

During the Betrothal Ceremony, the couple is entered into a covenant, (a formal agreement), exchanged vows, (a solemn promise), and exchanged tokens of their commitment (the Cross). The couple would often share a cup of wine (a symbol for the blood of Christ, the price), symbolizing joy and the sealing of the covenant.

We are currently in the timeframe of the Betrothal Period, the engagement. After a couple was betrothed, the bridegroom would go to his father’s house to prepare a place for his bride. That is what Jesus is currently doing right now. He is at His Father’s house in heaven, preparing our place. This preparation period was typically about a year, but the exact time of the wedding was determined by the father of the bridegroom. Only when the father deemed that everything was ready would he give his son permission to go and fetch his bride. This custom ensured that the preparations met the father’s standards and were complete. That is why Jesus states, “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.” The bride, Christians, are expected to remain pure and faithful during this time, preparing herself for the wedding day.

We are waiting on the bridegroom’s imminent return and need to be ready at a moment’s notice, with oil for our lamp. The wedding ceremony will be followed by a grand celebration, lasting seven days (or years in this case). This feast will be a community event, filled with joy, music, dancing, and feasting. The marriage will be consummated during this period, marking the official union of the couple. Traditionally, the couple refrains from work during this period to focus on their new relationship. After the seven day (year) celebration, the bridegroom and bride would be formally presented to the community (non-believers) as a married couple at Armageddon.

This is one perspective on why I believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church; therefore, not experiencing Daniel’s 70th Week / Jacob’s Trouble / The Great Tribulation. I look forward to seeing you at the Celebration of our eternal lifetime!

Thank you and God Bless,

Sunday, August 4, 2024
Volume 15 Issue 15 (77)
  • Isaiah 54:5
  • Isaiah 62:5
  • Hosea 2:19-20
  • Matthew 9:15
  • Matthew 24:36
  • Matthew 25:1-13
  • John 3:29
  • John 14:2-3
  • Revelation 21:2
  • Revelation 21:9-10
  • Genesis 29:27-28
  • Judges 14:10-12
  • Judges 14:17-20
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