Rewarding Rest: Evening Daily Devotional

“Rewarding Rest” is August 5’s evening entry from Dr. David Jeremiah’s ‘Walking with God: 365 Daily Devotions’.

"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever." Psalm 23:6

King David was a godly man who knew what it meant to suffer. Sometimes his suffering came at the hand of an enemy, and sometimes it came as a result of his own sin. Throughout his trials, David sought the Lord and placed his faith squarely in the God who had proven Himself to be true.

In today’s psalm. David reveals beautiful images of comfort and security. He paints a picture of refreshment and protection. David knew the contentment of complete trust in the Lord. He knew the refreshment of forgiveness of sin. He knew the protection God provides, having narrowly escaped a pursuing enemy, dodged a well-aimed spear, and evaded a soldier searching him out in a darkened cave.

King David writes of the bountiful blessings God brings when His people follow Him through the dark days as well as the bright ones. And he concludes this beautiful psalm with the best news of all–that God rewards those who remain faithful to Him. Let this great news encourage you to stay close to God!

To end, a quote from David Nicholas, “God’s promises are like the stars: the darker the night, the brighter they shine.”

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