The Almost-Forgotten Beatitude: Morning Daily Devotional

“The Almost-Forgotten Beatitude” is August 10’s morning entry from Dr. David Jeremiah’s ‘Turning Points with God: 365 Daily Devotions’.

"Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'" Acts 20:35

This verse gives us an almost-forgotten beatitude. It was spoken by Jesus but not recorded by Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John. The apostle Paul knew of it; however, and recalled it in Acts 20, thus preserving it for us in Scripture.

This verse gives us a super-beatitude. There are many beatitudes in the Bible that begin with the words Blessed is… or Blessed are…… But only once in the Bible does the phrase “more blessed” occur. This verse tells us how to go beyond blessing to greater blessing.

This verse gives us a double blessing. First, there is the blessing of receiving, which is a very me-like thing. God created us as recipients. He is the Source, the Supply, the Endless Provider who gives universal blessings, daily blessings, and spiritual blessings.

But there is one blessing greater than receiving. It’s the blessing of giving. Why is it more blessed to give than to receive? When we receive, we’re acting like ourselves; but when we give, we’re acting like Christ. Receiving is me-like. Giving is Christlike.

Have you experienced God’s almost-forgotten, super, double blessing today?

To end, a quote from Dr. Stephen Olford, “Never forget that at the very heart of the Gospel is the whole principle of giving.”

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