All Dressed Up: Morning Daily Devotional

“All Dressed Up” is August 25’s morning entry from Dr. David Jeremiah’s ‘Turning Points with God: 365 Daily Devotions’.

"The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light." Matthew 6:21

John had done quite a bit of study over the last two (2) years on the Christian’s responsibility concerning the stewardship of creation. He had developed what he thought were some biblically based convictions and wanted to teach a small class of other interested believers to get some feedback on his ideas. But his church’s leaders felt a course on “environmentalism” wasn’t totally appropriate. John had been affirmed in his teaching gift on prior occasions and felt he had approached this new area of study carefully and prayerfully. He was all dressed up, spiritually speaking, but had nowhere to go.

What should John do? It can be confusing when we feel the Lord has equipped us to accomplish something for Him but it seems that no one else got the memo!

Rather than be discouraged or angry, we should go back to the Lord and ask for further direction. Instead of forcing the issue, we need to ask God to create an understanding and willingness in the hearts of others to see the same need–and our ability to meet it. In the meantime, we must keep preparing for the work we believe we’re called to do.

God’s calling is for a purpose. Wait for His time to see it revealed.

To end, a quote from ST. Augustine, “Patience is the companion of wisdom.”

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