Work At It Every Day: Morning Daily Devotional

“Work At It Every Day” is August 29’s morning entry from Dr. David Jeremiah’s ‘Turning Points with God: 365 Daily Devotions’.

"Get wisdom!" Proverbs 4:5

Have you ever noticed that people who are good at something work every day to get even better? Professional athletes hone their skills and build their bodies during the off-season; successful business owners keep working after everyone else has gone home; doctors attend seminars to stay up-to-date on the latest medical developments. The fact is, if you desire to be excellent at something, you must work at it every day.

The same is true for living a life surrendered to God. Christianity is a journey of growth and development through the gaining of wisdom on a daily basis. We must seek wisdom the way a runner seeks the physical ability to go ten more miles by doing a little more each time she runs. Proverbs tells us, “Those who seek me [wisdom] diligently will find me” (Proverbs 8:17). When we begin to seek wisdom, it will become a part of our everyday lives and guide us through each moment.

We are reminded countless times in God’s Word that wisdom is worth more than all the riches we could ever dream of, but we must seek it and attentively work at becoming wise in the Lord, for wisdom is not a destination but a journey we must take part in every day.

To end, a quote from Theodore Epp, “As we trust God to give us wisdom for today’s decisions, He will lead us a step at a time into what He wants us to be doing in the future.”

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