Roman Guard With Apostles Prison

How To Be Saved and…

…Have Eternal Life. “And he brought them out and said, ‘Sirs, what must I do to be saved?’ So they said, ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.’” Acts 16:30-31 NKJV The question was asked in the 1st century A.D. by a Roman guard that had fallen to […]

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“You have to decide…”

“…what your highest priorities are and have the courage— pleasantly, smilingly, unapologetically— to say no to other things. And the way you do that is by having a bigger ‘yes’ burning inside.” a quote from Stephen R Covey in the ‘4DX’ book. As we move past the half-way point of January, I am faced with […]

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“About 65% of initiatives…”

“…required significant behavioral change on the part of employees— something that managers often fail to consider or plan for in advance.” Bain & Company was cited on this interesting statistic from one of their surveys in the ‘4DX’ book. A successful strategy is not just what is written on paper, but how it is executed. […]

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