Process Improvement, I Love It and You Should Too

Digging deeper into discovering my sweet spot–the intersection of my strengths and passion–lies process improvements or improvements in general. I am a continual improvement advocate. Just like I believe I can always improve myself as an individual, I believe there is always room for improvements within organizations.

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Project: PMI3

In this entry, I will be adding to my portfolio of work with the Project Management Implementation Improvement Initiative (PMI3). Improvements are very near and dear to me. I was very happy with the opportunity to take this idea and run with it.

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Professional Assistance–Job Search Lessons Learned: 12 Key Take-Aways (12)

I will be transparent with you. After about six (6) months of actively looking, I really was starting to wonder what I was doing wrong. All this time spent trying to learn the new, proper way of doing things. The follow-ups. The tweaks to the résumé and cover letters. I had nothing to show for it except for a long list of jobs applied in the wrong status. So, I decided I needed some professional assistance. I looked into free résumé critiquing, résumé writing, headhunters, and even career coaching.

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