Résumé Information–Job Search Lessons Learned: 12 Key Take-Aways (05)

Résumés should be custom made for each role you are applying for and are supposed to be two pages or less with an appropriate amount of white space. Sometimes that is a pretty tall order. You need to have a reliable source of truth that is easily accessible. That is where the document entitled “Detailed Résumé and Supporting Information” comes in to save the day.

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Networking–Job Search Lessons Learned: 12 Key Take-Aways (04)

This comes up twice in this series. That is how important networking is. In this section, pre-job-searching, it is a different tactic then while you are in search mode. The days are gone of you sitting down, concentrating on your work, getting things done and done quickly, and due to that, you are safe at work. You are not necessarily safe. You have to get out of your cube/office and not only socialize with co-workers, but other people in your network at different companies.

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What do you want?–Job Search Lessons Learned: 12 Key Take-Aways (03)

Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty here. What do YOU want? Let’s get picky, but keep in mind, there are always going to be exceptions to the rules. Sometimes, you will not even be able to find out everything, so don’t get hung up on a lot of the details. I just want you to be thinking about this kind of stuff. What do you want out of the company, your manager, teammates, and your role?

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Self-Discovery–Job Search Lessons Learned: 12 Key Take-Aways (02)

So, your social media is cleaned and primed to go. But who are you? When I started the self-discovery process, I had an idea. The problem with ideas in your head is that they shift or get re-worded, so I decided I wanted to write them down. This included core values, vision statement, mission statement, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities for improvement, and personality profiles.

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