Introduction–Job Search Lessons Learned: 12 Key Takeaways

My fellow professionals, oh, how the times have changed! I am still not sure I have this newfangled job searching via the internet thing down. It has been nearly a decade since I’ve looked on the open market for a career advancement opportunity. The old ways don’t work anymore.  Believe me, I tried them, and then I remembered a quote from Albert Einstein: “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” So, you have to change, and it is going to not feel right, but you need to.

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Book Synopsis: Quitter

What to expect? This is a career book. The main focus is getting to your transition of a day job to a dream job. My takeaway was a day job is your typical 8-5, sitting in a cubicle, and not enjoying it. Your dream job is something not 8-5.

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