Uncomfortable With The Culture: Morning Daily Devotional

“Uncomfortable With The Culture” is August 9’s morning entry from Dr. David Jeremiah’s ‘Turning Points with God: 365 Daily Devotions’. “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Romans 11:2 https://youtu.be/xO1YV4xd3O8 It […]

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If The Lord Wills: Morning Daily Devotional

“If The Lord Wills” is August 8’s morning entry from Dr. David Jeremiah’s ‘Turning Points with God: 365 Daily Devotions’. “You ought to say, ‘If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.’” James 4:15 https://youtu.be/7B3TVJ23oTk Experts are always trying to predict the future–how many hurricanes will strike this year, what will […]

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Check Your Balances: Morning Daily Devotional

“Check Your Balances” is August 7’s morning entry from Dr. David Jeremiah’s ‘Turning Points with God: 365 Daily Devotions’. “Take heed to yourselves.” Acts 20:28 https://youtu.be/7Bl7qwOHMuU A bank recently advertised its services with the words “Check your balances.” Using online tools, customers can instantly check the balances on any and all of their accounts. Perhaps […]

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A Long Haul: Morning Daily Devotional

“A Long Haul” is August 6’s morning entry from Dr. David Jeremiah’s ‘Turning Points with God: 365 Daily Devotions’. “I beseech [urgently ask] you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.” Romans 12:1 https://youtu.be/jVgVO_bTsas When we’ve dedicated our […]

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Rewarding Rest: Evening Daily Devotional

“Rewarding Rest” is August 5’s evening entry from Dr. David Jeremiah’s ‘Walking with God: 365 Daily Devotions’. “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.” Psalm 23:6 https://youtu.be/ES91xF_oiEI King David was a godly man who knew what it meant […]

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