Man kneeling to pray with head bowed. The Holy Spirt comes upon the man. Generated from Microsoft Bing’s Copilot.

I Just Experienced The Holy Spirit…

...And This Is My Testimony.

This is the middle of a story I want to share. The next article will be the beginning of the story; elaborating on the situation, prayer, and the verses that led to me having an incredible experience with the Holy Spirit. I understand that these experiences are very personal, but I am so excited and energized over the experience that I wanted to share with anyone that wants to take a few minutes and read!

My wife (Teresa) and I decided it was Bible Study time. After a starting prayer and about 15 minutes of reading the “Holy Bible”, Teresa and I felt it was pretty clear what God (YHWH) was saying to us and what he wanted us to do, so we stopped and bowed our heads to pray.

I think all I got out of my mouth audibly was “Dear Heavenly Father”, before the Holy Spirt came down HARD on me. Like, I cannot even remember the last time I felt the Holy Spirit that strongly, if at all that strongly before. Don’t get me wrong, I feel the Holy Spirit when I am in prayer and concentrating on God, but this was totally different and left no room for misinterpretation of Who it was.

Man kneeling to pray with head bowed. The Holy Spirt comes upon the man. Generated from Microsoft Bing’s Copilot.
Man kneeling to pray with head bowed. The Holy Spirt comes upon the man. Generated from Microsoft Bing’s Copilot.

What I was going to say next was just a thought and not yet spoken words. “Please, give us discernment in knowing that this is what You wanted us to understand and obey.” I was frozen in awe of the presence of my Lord. Every part of my body, down to the atoms, could not move even a nanometer from bowing to the Creator of the Universe. King of Kings; Lord of Lords.

I wasn’t in pain or sad, but I was crying hard, uncontrollably. Being in His presence is such a powerful, intimate, emotional, and spiritual experience. I couldn’t even move to take off my glasses from getting wet. My right hand frozen holding my wife’s. It felt like my whole body was wrapped in something, like a heavy weighted blanket, not suffocating, but definitely there.

God was saying to me, “You have done well, My good and faithful servant.” It was so incredible to hear those words, and I was at peace. I could have stayed in that moment forever. It took about 4 times it seemed like of God saying that before I could murmur out “My good and faithful servant” to Teresa to let her know what was going on. She was very patient with a sobbing and snotty husband. LOL.

There is absolutely no doubt I experienced the Holy Spirit’s presence; Teresa as my witness.

Immediately afterwards, I had to write down this experience, I didn’t want to lose it. I was listening to Newsboys’ “King Of Kings” and paused at 3:28. One of my sons, who has been sick for a couple of weeks, came in to show me a funny video while I was writing. Before he left, I asked if we could pray about his sickness together. “Hold my hands, close your eyes, and repeat after me.”

“Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You for this day and everything that You have done for us.
I ask that You put your healing hand upon me and cure me of this sickness, please Lord.
I believe that Your Son, Jesus Christ, died for us on the cross for our sins and rose again to be a living God.
In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.”

And then I cried uncontrollably, again, while hugging him. I told him that “I was so sorry that he has been sick for so long, but to believe that God would miraculously heal you.” He said, “I will.” He hasn’t thrown up since, his energy is coming back, and his eating is slowly returning to normal. Praise God!

Thank you for allowing me to share my testimony with you. The next blog entry will go back to the beginning of what led to this.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024 update (4 days after the experience).

The same son that had been sick earlier in the post, all of a sudden, on Tuesday (3 days after the experience), had a medical emergency. It is nothing dire, he is being treated, and getting better. But I can’t help to think if this is an attack from the evil one because of mine; and therefore, my family’s, growing relationship with God. I said earlier that as a couple, we are reading “The Gospel of John”, well on my own I have been reading “Job”. But not originally, I was half way through “Proverbs” when I felt that God wanted me to start to read “Job”. So, I cannot not feel that there is a ‘coincidental’ parallel, on a much smaller scale in comparison mind you. Well, if it is an attack, then the attack is not swaying me Satan. I will continue to be in the Word, researching, gaining knowledge and wisdom, and growing in my relationship with my Heavenly Father. And if there is something I want to share with the world relating to Christ Jesus, Son of God, I will!

2nd UPDATE!!

IMMEDIATELY! Like I am not even kidding, I said nanometer earlier, so now nanosecond. Not even a nanosecond after I hit the ‘update’ button on this post, Petra’s “I Love the Lord!” came on my mix and the first 2 verses of the song are “Well I don’t care what some may say. Gonna stand up for the Lord today!”

What do you think of that?!?!

God bless and thank you for your time,

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Volume 15 Issue 03 (65)

Posted in Christian, Life, Motivation and tagged , , , .

My mission is to lead strategically by SHEPARD-ING: guide and motivate teams in best practice adoption, positive change, and continual improvement through authentic servant leadership, creativity, and mentorship.

Digital Service Management Leader & Practice Owner passionate about Continual Improvement | MBA, IT Management | ITIL 4 Managing Professional | PMP


  1. Wow!! Praise God! I experienced what you just described when I was 15 or 16 years old. I had distanced myself from God, and told Him I could run my own life. 6 months later God broke my heart – I could not stop crying. I was broken hearted before God. He filled me with His Holy Spirit and totally changed my life. I had a hunger and love for His Word, I was overflowing with joy, and I had a desire to tell others about Jesus.
    Praise God for what He is doing in you, Teresa, and your kids!

    • Thank you for sharing your testimony! I love it. He is been working hard through your life ever since!

  2. Pingback: God communicates… – Jeremiah D Shepard

  3. You are top of the class, sir. Your simple being and truthfulness to who you are at the core is incredible, powerful and contagious. Excited for what you and your families future holds. God Bless!

  4. Pingback: Christians, I Have A Challenge For Us. – Jeremiah D Shepard

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