What do you want?–Job Search Lessons Learned: 12 Key Take-Aways (03)

Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty here. What do YOU want? Let’s get picky, but keep in mind, there are always going to be exceptions to the rules. Sometimes, you will not even be able to find out everything, so don’t get hung up on a lot of the details. I just want you to be thinking about this kind of stuff. What do you want out of the company, your manager, teammates, and your role?

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Self-Discovery–Job Search Lessons Learned: 12 Key Take-Aways (02)

So, your social media is cleaned and primed to go. But who are you? When I started the self-discovery process, I had an idea. The problem with ideas in your head is that they shift or get re-worded, so I decided I wanted to write them down. This included core values, vision statement, mission statement, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities for improvement, and personality profiles.

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Introduction–Job Search Lessons Learned: 12 Key Takeaways

My fellow professionals, oh, how the times have changed! I am still not sure I have this newfangled job searching via the internet thing down. It has been nearly a decade since I’ve looked on the open market for a career advancement opportunity. The old ways don’t work anymore.  Believe me, I tried them, and then I remembered a quote from Albert Einstein: “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” So, you have to change, and it is going to not feel right, but you need to.

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