Applying–Job Search Lessons Learned: 12 Key Take-Aways (10)

Finally! After nine (9) steps you are ready to start applying for the job of your dreams. Welcome to your new part-time job. If you have a job, and you are looking for a new one, you want to spend about five (5) to ten (10) hours a week networking and applying. If you do not have a job currently, welcome to your new full-time, 40-hour work week. We are going to be pulling out of the tools in our job search toolbox and get to work. What will you need?

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Résumé Information–Job Search Lessons Learned: 12 Key Take-Aways (05)

Résumés should be custom made for each role you are applying for and are supposed to be two pages or less with an appropriate amount of white space. Sometimes that is a pretty tall order. You need to have a reliable source of truth that is easily accessible. That is where the document entitled “Detailed Résumé and Supporting Information” comes in to save the day.

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Introduction–Job Search Lessons Learned: 12 Key Takeaways

My fellow professionals, oh, how the times have changed! I am still not sure I have this newfangled job searching via the internet thing down. It has been nearly a decade since I’ve looked on the open market for a career advancement opportunity. The old ways don’t work anymore.  Believe me, I tried them, and then I remembered a quote from Albert Einstein: “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” So, you have to change, and it is going to not feel right, but you need to.

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